Have You Created A Monster With Your Business?
Feb 28, 2022
Far too often I talk with clients who say they want to throw in the towel and quit their business altogether.
Several are so overwhelmed they've cried on our coaching calls together. I'm so happy they feel that comfortable with me but it absolutely breaks my heart because I know how they feel - consumed by their own creation. And it's not a good feeling.
Maybe you have felt the same way?
You love what you do but created your business for freedom and flexibility and realize you don't have either of those things anymore.
It started out this way but has turned into a monster. Plus, you're stressed out all the time, have team members who are counting on you for income, don't spend as much time doing the things you love, or spending enough time with your loved ones.
If this struck a chord and you have ever found yourself feeling like this, hopefully, what I'm about to share can help you. I truly hope it does.
Below is a super helpful exercise I do with my 1:1 clients to get back on the right path.
And I just want to also chime in here and say, if you're feeling this struggle, I want you to know you don't have to quit it all (if you don't really want to). With my 1:1 clients, we've completely turned it all around for them by getting their business organized through creating Systems, Automation, then Delegation. It's a process but you really can have the business you desire, it just takes some work to get it set up this way but it's beyond doable. And trust me, it's never ever too late.
If you need help with creating systems, processes, and organization in your business, simply shoot me an email ([email protected]) and ask for my Small Biz Operations & Organization Services PDF and I'll send it over to you. Just ask! We have offers for all budgets and needs to meet you where you're at 👊🏼 And if you want to know what systems you should have in place in your business... GO HERE to snag the 10 that I advise.
Plus, you can check out our EA & OBM Matching HERE if you need that.