My Morning Routine

personal Feb 15, 2023

This is part of my morning routine and I actually weirdly love when it’s cold outside (this morning was 5F) and breathing crisp air into my lungs - it’ll certainly wake you up 🏔️

M, W, F:
- wake up, wash my face, get dressed
- drink water and take vitamins
- drink my workout energy drink (spark)
- take Leon outside
- sit outside breathing in the fresh air and let the sunshine hit my face
- begin workout

T, TR:
- wake up, wash my face
- drink water and take vitamins
- take Leon outside
- sit outside breathing in the fresh air and let the sunshine hit my face while doing quiet time and read devotional while drinking coffee
- go shower and get ready for the day

Always remember that just because something works for someone, doesn’t mean it has to be your cup of tea too. This has worked for me but you do you 😘

Sat and Sunday I do the same as Tues and Thurs except get ready for whatever adventure or just chilling at home we have planned 👍🏼